Text inputs
Forms are made to let the user send data through input fields. To design it, wrap your label and input inside a div
with a
To design your inputs, simply add the .form-control
class on it.
Readonly and disabled inputs are designed too.
Textareas are usefull to let the user send large messages.
To use it, add the same .form-control
class as before.
Initially, our textareas are not resizable horizontally, and the max and min heights are defined. To change it, you
can use
Inline forms
Create an inline form by using the .inline
class on the
Helper text
A helper text is usefull to show informations about what the input should recieve.
To create a helper text, add a span with the .form-helper
class below your input.
Input prefix & suffix
To use forms prefixes and/or forms suffixes, you have to wrap your input inside a
class element.
Then, add anything inside this form-group.
You can add multiple prefixes and/or suffixes
Custom input prefix & suffix
You can custom the content to match the design you want using our utilities classes.