Checkbox / Radio

Material checkboxes

The material forms provide a modern design for checkboxes.
Use the type="checkbox" on the input inside the class="form-check" wrapping label.

Material form checkbox

Material radios

The material forms provide a modern design for radios.
Use the type="radio" on the input inside the class="form-check" wrapping label.

Material form radio


To disable an element, you have to add the .disabled class on the label already containing the form-check class, and the disabled attribute on the input element.


Basic checkbox / radio

The basic checkboxes and radio are easy to use, to use them, you have to wrap them into a label with a .form-check class.
The user can click on the text to check the box, that make it easier to use.


CSS Variable Default value Description
--ax-form-check-disabled-color #afafaf Disabled checkbox color.

Common methods & styling

For all the common methods and styling properties, please refer to the Material forms page.