

This is a blockquote, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis assumenda sapiente blanditiis ratione iure amet quae, dolorum laudantium necessitatibus earum facilis quas placeat velit voluptas porro tenetur praesentium? Saepe, maiores.

Truncate class

The .truncate makes your text able to truncate himself.

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis eius necessitatibus consectetur aut culpa veniam, sapiente minima non recusandae impedit magnam iure numquam quia, fugiat modi pariatur animi odit dicta.

Divider class

The .divider class is creating a horizontal line, taking the full width of your element.
This is helpful to separate content.

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis eius necessitatibus consectetur aut culpa veniam, sapiente minima non recusandae impedit magnam iure numquam quia, fugiat modi pariatur animi odit dicta. hello

Responsive medias

Using medias, you should want to make it fit your page.
The .responsive-media class works for the images and the videos.
This is helpful when you want a high definition image to be resized. See an example on the lightbox page.

random image


The cursors classes allow you to modify the cursor appearance when you hover the element.
The classes are .cursor-{cursorName} where cursorName can be :
default | pointer | not-allowed | grab | wait | zoom-in | zoom-out | none

Example :


Adding the .cursor-pointer class change the cursor to a pointer on all the element.


The overflow classes allow you to modify the overflow of the element.
The classes are .overflow-{propertyName}, .overflow-x-{propertyName} and .overflow-y-{propertyName}
where propertyName can be :
hidden | scroll | auto | visible | initial | inherit

The .overflow-x- and the .overflow-y- prefixes are applying the overflow property on the X and Y axes, while the simple .overflow- prefix apply the property for the X and Y axes.


The opacity classes allow you to modify the opacity of the element.
The classes are .opacity-{value}, where value can be :
0 | 10 | 20 | ... | 100


Class name Description
.absolute-pos Change the element position to absolute.
.fixed-pos Change the element position to fixed.
.relative-pos Change the element position to relative.


The z-index classes allow you to modify the z-index of the element.
The classes are .z-index-{value}, where value can be :
0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 10


Class name Description
.w100 Make the element take all the width possible.
.h100 Make the element take all the height possible.
.lowercase Put all the text in lowercase.
.uppercase Put all the text in uppercase.
.capitalize Put the first letter of all the words in uppercase.